HOW TO GIVE Your donation can make a difference Your giving makes a difference to our church, community and to the world by extension. Wire Transfer This method is ideal for our overseas members and guests. See below for Wire transfer information Direct Deposit(local) Visit any Republic bank branch and make a direct deposit(see account number below) Online Banking(local) Sign in to your bank's online banking and send your gifts to our Republic bank account Send your gifts to Mary’s Hill SDA Church, Republic Bank-Tobago Account No. 020162013001 Donation Form/Tithe EnvelopeFull Name *firstname and last nameEmail Address *DatePhone NumberChurch NameEnter your church name hereTithePersonal Giving Plan recommends: 10%. The purpose of the tithe is for the spreading of the gospel. Most of it stays in our local conference/mission to support pastors, education and evangelism. From there the tithe is used to advance God’s work throughout the world at the Union, Division and General Conference levels.(decimal point is optional)Budget Covenantaka Church Budget – Use for funding departmental programs and projects and general church upkeepCommunity ServicesFor assisting needyBuilding FundChurch building upgrades and maintenance Health FundFor assisting in medical expenses of church members and communityHarmon SecondaryScarborough SDA Primary SchoolChildren MinistryTo support and develop programs to education our children in church and communityVIP MomsTo support single mothers/parents in time of needOtherDepartment or special project. Enter Total. Give breakdown under ”Specify”AV FUNDaudio visual fundSpecifyGive breakdown of total entered under ”Other” and separate amount with comma TOTAL(This is a calculated field-DO NOT Enter)Total here must equal amount bank receipt. Upload fileChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileinsert picture or copy of bank receiptSubmitPlease do not fill in this field. HOW TO GIVESign in to your Bank’s Online Banking platform. Enter the church’s account name, account number and amount you which to transfer. Bank: Republic BankBank Address: Main Street, Scarborough, Tobago.Account Name: Mary’s Hill SDA ChurchAccount Number: 020162013001.When the transfer is complete, fill out the donation form/tithe envelope shown and attach a picture of your transaction receipt.